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Saturday, December 24, 2011


It's Christmas Eve. Been an interesting day. I've had a few dinner invites for tomorrow, but I have to work. One was from our truck driver. He offered for me to come out and have dinner with his fam and his wife's folks. It was an awesome gesture, but I had to decline. I have become much more at ease socially, however. Would have loved to have met his wife and kids. With work, though, and them being on the north shore, it didn't seem very feasible.

I ate waaaay too much at work today. I don't eat like I used to, but that pasta jambalaya and dressing rocked the casbah. The fried turkey from Popeye's was good too. It was the walnut brownies that did it though. I thought I was going to fall asleep where I was standing.

Well. The rest of my evening will be spent watching A Christmas Story. Here's the preview to my favorite holiday movie... "Frah-jee-lay. That must be Italian."

An excerpt from Today's Gift

All of us have reasons to be grateful. Usually, the word implies we have received something. We often think of gratitude as that warm feeling we get from someone else's generosity. We are particularly grateful when we get unexpected gifts from those who owe us nothing. Within a family, we expect such acts of love because we are close to one another.

But gratitude doesn't always come from being a receiver. Gratitude is warmest when it accompanies the joy of being able to give without expecting anything in return. We find it isn't enough to feel grateful. We have to express our gratitude by showing kindness and service to everyone around us.

Gratitude is the greatest of all heart-openers. When it enters the heart, love pours out. For every kindness we receive, gratitude inspires a hundred acts of giving.

Have a great Christmas Eve!