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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Cornerstone Church Podcast, Norman Vaughan, and Today's Gift

Couldn't find the YouTube posting for Sunday's Cornerstone service, but I did find the podcast. What's really awesome is that I'll get to see it live this Sunday! I've only been to one service and that was the first in the "Old Habits Die Hard" series. Very excited to go again with my bro and his fam. And it'll be Sarah's first time going.

The motto of the late, great adventurer Colonel Norman Vaughan was, "Dream big and dare to fail." He's a personal hero and I thought of him immediately when I read the entry in Today's Gift...

The only people who never fail are those who never try. —Ilka Chase

A boy once asked his grandfather how he had become so happy and successful in his life. "Right decisions," replied his grandfather. The boy thought for a while and then asked a second question, "But how do you learn to make right decisions?" The grandfather answered quickly with a twinkle in his eye, "Wrong decisions!" We, too, will learn from our "wrong decisions," our mistakes. Whenever we try anything, there is always the possibility of failure. We must learn to not let this keep us from trying. When we are willing to try, we have already conquered our fear. We can grow no matter what the outcome is.

Here's an interview with the Colonel from a documentary that came out a good while back. Very inspiring stuff.

Well. I have to say that I am very happy with what I've read and seen tonight. Today was great too. Got alot accomplished with Cupcake in preparation for our trip. Still have to get through two more days of work, however. No worries... Goodnight!

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