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Sunday, March 18, 2012

6 Months Old

Wow. Doesn't feel like it's been that long. How did I do it? Well... The thought for the day just about sums it up.

When we alcoholics first come into A.A. and we face the fact that we must spend the rest of our life without liquor, it often seems like an impossibility to us. So A.A. tells us to forget about the future and take it one day at a time. All we really have is now. We have no past time and no future time. As the saying goes: "Yesterday is gone, forget it; tomorrow never comes, don't worry; today is here, get busy." All we have is the present. The past is gone forever and the future never comes. When tomorrow gets here, it will be today. Am I living one day at a time?

We can't live our lives stressed about the future or a possible outcome that may never be. We can't live our lives haunted by a past we can't change. We can only learn from it.

I have today. With God's help I know I wont drink. I know that I can maintain my serenity and complete the tasks at hand. I know that I'm a more effective, more productive person.

I've done alot in these 6 months. Made my quality of life much better, did 12 life-changing steps, and have mended some relationships that I had neglected before.

I thank God and the folks who stood behind me for making it possible.

Have a great night, world!

Much love. -Jay


  1. Congrats on getting to 6-months. I'm very proud of you and know how challenging the beginning months can be. Keep up the great work!

  2. Congratulations!!!!!!! Fantastic. We're at a very similar stage. So great. Well done xxx

  3. Thanks, LGLG and Mrs. D! I wouldn't be here without folks like you in my recovery. Sometimes blogging is the best kind of fellowship for me.

  4. My goodness, time flies! CONGRATULATIONS to your six months (and then some) *hugs*
